Extending the life of your car starts with changing the oil
Regular oil changes are a necessary step in maintaining and maintaining your vehicle. Engine oil is actually the lubricating oil used by the engine. There are many different pieces of hardware in the engine that push and rub against each other. The lubrication function of the engine oil must be relied on to protect and clean all the friction parts in the engine.
Engine oil will begin to lose its lubricity around 10,000 kilometers, and the metal parts of the engine will slowly release impurities, making the oil ineffective. Continued use may cause accelerated wear and even damage to engine parts.
What is the function of engine oil?
The main role of engine oil is to provide lubrication to the engine parts that are constantly rubbing against each other. This reduces friction that easily causes parts to wear.
cool down
Energy lost from combustion and mechanical parts rubbing against each other causes engine temperatures to rise. The component lubrication provided by engine oil can help dissipate heat through the lubrication circuit. Can assist coolant that only cools specific parts of the engine.
Although few people know it, the cleaning ability of engine oil is fundamental. Fine carbon deposits can build up in the engine and maintain suspension. It may contain dust or combustion residues. Without engine oil, residue has the potential to clog the engine and reduce its performance. The flow of engine oil will continue to bring these impurities to the oil filter, thereby blocking them.
Anti-corrosion protection
Fuel combustion produces corrosive acidic substances that can damage metal parts inside the engine. Additives added to modern engine oils can slow down corrosion. However, over time and in contact with oxygen, engine oil may also oxidize and lose its ability to protect against corrosion. This is why engine oil must be changed regularly.
Engine oil also improves engine sealing, more specifically the airtightness of the pistons and cylinders. A protective layer forms between the individual parts, sealing any gaps that may arise.
When is an oil change needed?
Taking commonly used cars as an example, if the mileage reaches 10,000 kilometers, the oil may be exhausted, and the oil can be changed at this time. If the car owner is worried about running out of fuel, it is recommended that the car owner check the remaining fuel level every 5,000 kilometers. The method to check the gauge oil is very simple. Just pull out the gauge dipstick and wipe it away with a dry cloth. Then put the gauge dipstick back to its original place and pull it out again to observe its scale. Normally, each type of oil dipstick has the word "L" attached, or a dot as a scale. If the oil level is closer to the scale, it means the less oil level is in the oil level. While checking the oil, car owners can pay attention to whether the color of the oil is dark brown or even black. Normal gatha oil is light yellow in color. The darker the color, the older the gatha oil is and may have been oxidized. Its texture will be thicker and it will lose its proper functions.
It is recommended that the vehicle's oil needs to be changed every 10,000-12,000 kilometers. Don't forget to replace the oil filter and air filter at the same time, because they are also parts that need to be replaced at the same time!
Motul Government Vehicle Inspection Package
Before the government vehicle inspection, replace 5 liters of Motul 8100 X-clean+ 5W-30 engine oil to improve engine performance and complete the vehicle inspection process safely and quickly for your car.